Henry Hudson a Husbandman and lived in Worston. Joined on the 02/09/1786 aged 21 years old.

James Baldwin a Weaver and lived in Worston. Joined on the 05/02/1791 aged 20 years old.

Henry Hudson a Weaver and lived in Worston. Joined on the 05/01/1793 aged 27 years old.

Francis Wainman a Husbandman and lived in Worston. Joined on the 03/07/1813 aged 18 years old.

George Atkinson a Husbandman and lived in Worston. Joined on the 01/06/1839 aged 20 years old.

David Bulcock a Foot-boy and lived in Worston. Joined on the 05/10/1839 aged 17 years old.

Samuel Whittaker a Husbandman and lived in Worston. Joined on the 06/03/1841 aged 25 years old.

Lawrence Robinson a Mason and lived in Worston. Joined on the 05/03/1842 aged 18 years old.

William Robinson a Mason and lived in Worston. Joined on the 05/04/1845 aged 18 years old.

James Watson a Blacksmith and lived in Worston. Joined on the 02/05/1863 aged 28 years old.

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