Preston Guardian 1870
Chatburn - Death of Mr. EDWARD R0BINSON.—-We have to record the death of Mr. Edward Robinson, of this town, at his house on Saturday evening, last, after a lengthened illness. The deceased was 59 years of age. He was the 'senior partner of the firm of. E. and L. Robinson, who carried on business as-stonemasons and builders. He took great interest in the services of Christ Church, having been a member of the choir for nearly 40 years. He also, with considerable tact, officiated as secretary to the Downham Benevolent Sick Society for the last ten years. He was much respected by his workmen, the members of the club, and al with whom be bas been associated. His remains re interred at the above church on Wednesday.
Clitheroe Newspaper - April, 1903 "Children were regaled and dancing indulged in until dusk"
CLUB DAY – On Monday the 128th anniversary of the Downham Benevolent Sick Society was celebrated With the usual round of festivities, and judging by the success proceedings, the annual celebration maintains the interest not only of the villagers but of numerous visitors from the surrounding parts, of the district. Although the climatic conditions were not what might have been desired, still the day was fine. In the morning, the members of the society, together with the school children, ' attended short service in the church, conducted by the Rev. W. T- Vale. A procession was afterwards formed, and headed by the Newchurch Brass' Band, paraded through the village, returning to the George and Dragon Hotel, where the members partook of a capital dinner provided by Mr. and Mrs. Banks. The children were regaled with light refreshments at school. Subsequently the procession was reformed and proceeded to Downham Hall and afterwards to the Barley Field where races for the child held and dancing indulged in until dusk.
26th May, 1899 Report of annual Club Day At Whitsun: note the splendid banner is mentioned.
CLUB DAY AT DOWNHAM – The annual Club day, which formerly was the greatest event of the year, took place as usual Whit Monday, but was completely spoiled by wretched cold and wet weather which prevailed. The village on the occasion of the club day, given a fine day, is still a most popular event, and always presents a most busy appearance, not only with the villagers but others who have from time to time resided there. The members of the Benevolent and Sick Club assembled at their headquarters at 11 o'clock in the morning, when they formed In procession, and headed by the Chatbum Brass Band, preceded by their splendid banner, marched to St. Leonard’s Church where a short service was held and a most appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. E. Elliott, curator of Whalley, who spoke of the usefulness of sick the clubs. At the close of the service the band played a nice sacred selection in church. Afterwards the procession reformed, and they paraded through the village and back to the George Inn, where the host, Mr Banks had a most substantial dinner in readiness, of which 100 members and friends partook. After dinner the secretary (Mr. Jos Smithies) read balance-sheet, which showed the club be in a most prosperous state. The financial worth of the club is £1133 3s 7d., present number of members 76, gain for the year £26 11s 7d. Towards evening the elements cleared a little and members reformed in procession again and paraded to the village green, but it was too dirty to indulge in the usual dancing; so after a selection or two by the band the retuned back through village and to Downham Hall, and from there to headquarters, when once again this popular event was brought to a close. We might add that the band gave great satisfaction.
Annual Club Celebration 21st May 1856 Downham often hired-in a Band from elsewhere for Events.
DOWNHAM BENEVOLENT SICK SOCIETY.—On Whit Monday, the Downbam Benevolent Sick society held its annual meeting at the George and Dragon Inn, Downham. The club assembled about ten o'clock, and walked in procession to the church, headed by the Grindleton Band. A sermon was preached to them by the Rev. P. H. Sternschuss, M.A., on the necessity of brotherly love. A dinner was provided by the worthy Mrs. Wilkinson. Upwards Of hundred persons partook of it, including the band.
Notes the George and Dragon is now the Assheton Arms